Checks and balances have kept wildlife
Its no wonder bird lovers adorn the walls of their home or workplace with cabin decor, lodge decor at Encyclopedia Americana Web site, Cornell Lab on Ornithology Web site, New Hampshire Television Web site, Wikipedia Foundation, The Free Encyclopedia. From the beginning, mankind used his resources wisely to sustain life. There came a time when we crossed that fine line of necessity and the slaughter of animals and environmental pollution got out of control. Over the past century we began to see the destruction we were causing from our own progress FTTH Network Access Point Suppliers and laws and organizations came to be. Progress continues, as it should, to keep up with the demand of times. We have turned the corner to cleansing our own blight but we have a long way to go.
Checks and balances have kept wildlife flora and FTTH Network Access Point Suppliers fauna under control for hundreds of thousands of years. When man came on the scene, he used wildlife wisely for food, clothing, tools and weapons. As man became more intelligent he discovered agriculture and livestock management. Man then began to kill animals that preyed on his livestock and foraged in his crops. Hence, the decimation of wildlife began. The elimination of animal species can be tracked as far back as the North American Mastodon.
Man kept getting more intelligent. He was beginning to notice that by eliminating a species of animal, was causing him to have problems with other animals. He realized the cost of his intervention to try to fix one problem far out weighed the benefits. The slaughter continued, not only were animals killed for food but for their hide, fur, trophy and even for aphrodisiac. They were killed, stuffed and mounted on walls for cabin decor, lodge decor, wildlife decor and rustic decor. For the remainder of this article, I refer to North America. Man kept getting smarter and the Industrial Revolution evolved. Man began building dams to harness electricity to power textile mills and manufacturing plants.